
Install Any App to Kindle Fire / Obtain any APK File

Here is a simple tutorial to obtain any app (APK/Installation file) from your Android phone and load it to your Kindle fire (a process called sideloading).

You will need:
  • Android phone
  • Cable to connect phone to computer
  • Kindle Fire (Non-HD or HD)
  • Cable to connect Fire to computer

Tutorial to obtain APK file (installation files) from your Android Phone:
1. Download and install ES File Explorer on your phone.
2. Open the program and open to settings and hit "App Manager"
3. Long press on the program you want and choose "Backup" (This will transfer the installation file onto the accessible memory on the phone)
4. Now simply plug in your phone to the computer and access the phone's storage.
5. Navigate to the "backups/apps" folder and you will see the installation file for the desired program.

How to Install the APK File:

1. Download and install an app on the Amazon market called File Expert.
2. Go to setting on your Kindle Fire.
3. Choose “Device” option.
4. Choose “On” option for “Allow Installation of Applications” from unknown sources.
5. Plug in your Fire, and copy the installation file into your Fire. (you get this from following the tutorial above)
7. Go to File Expert and locate the file and hit install!

That's it! Post if you have any questions or requests!


  1. I hav kindle fire hd i downloaded the the file but it says dat .... whatsapp dsnt support tablets

  2. Is it possible to download Disney super speedway on the kindle?
